Final Submission 5/4/21My original plan for this project was going to be very generative grid patterns with a whole bunch of other fancy looking effects and…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
Final WIPIt’s broken right now, at one point I had things moving, but when I attempted to modify the moving objects, I keep getting a script error…Apr 29, 2021Apr 29, 2021
Final ProI’ve got about 30% done I would say, will definitely be putting in more work over the weekend.Apr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
Final Project Pitch 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
Interactive Arrays pt 1.Sorry, for not doing a codepen, I couldn’t figure out how to put the GameObject Class into the pen. Anyway, I plan on revising this sketch…Apr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021